The Incarnational Gift of Jesus and Yarn Wrapped Gift Boxes
Advent and Christmas are the seasons of gift-giving. As we make the Yarn Wrapped Gift Boxes, we recall God's greatest gift, his Son. Although it's hard to wrap our minds around it, the Eternal Son of God chose to become human for our sake (John 1:1-14). Thus he was born Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus didn't despise our humanity but decided to be born of a virgin (Phillippians 2:6-7). He is entirely God and fully human. We celebrate the incarnational mystery of God becoming a man because without the incarnation, there is no salvation from our sins. Without Jesus taking our human form, there is no crucifixion or resurrection. There is no Easter if there is no Christmas first.
Every time we wrap or unwrap a present and create a gift, we recall the gift of Jesus. The Father sent his Son into the world (John 3:17), and the Son chose to be here. Without the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, we would be lost in our sins, broken and undone. We would be destined for hell and damnation. Yet, Jesus made a gift of himself so that we may have life abundantly through believing in him.
Indeed, we celebrate the gift of Jesus at this time. As we create containers to hold precious gifts for our loved ones, let's remember that God gave us the greatest gift. He gave us himself. Making things out of love for others is only a dim reflection of God's perfect gift-giving love. Yet, like the Wise Men in Matthew 2, we offer ourselves, broken as we may be, to God as we bring him our adoration and wonder for his awesome gift of redemption.
Jane Shoemaker
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